People of faith are so damn awaiting for the second return of the Messiah, The creator and the one overseeing us from above. They are so patient enough to wait for this socond coming. Even without enough evidence nor any legitimate proof on this coming, these people are so patiently waiting, day in day out. They never gets discouraged
Its funny however that this patient we have to this second coming does not exist in other aspects of life. There is nothing in our existence that is fully guaranteed to us, we just have to be patient enough just like we are patient to the so called 'second' coming.
People are dying, commit crimes and breaking every sphere of law because of being impatient. Ten years of building our wealth to us is like living the rest of our lives but waiting for second coming that we are not sure about, we are so obssesed about it.We need to be 'rich' in just less that a year which is apparent, impossible. Our businesses are hanging and are about to die as a result of impatient. We desperately need our institutions to be a million dollar company without having worked for it and i can't be. In order for that to happen, we need to be as patient as possible.
People are so damn crazy about the cryptoCurrency without knowing how it works and are robbed thousands of their hardly earned cash as a results of chasing wealth instead of patiently building their wealth that they will be proud of one day.
Education is an investment that never loss value but young people today are so damn fool enough to think that 4 years of studying after matric is too much. Patient, patient, patient is the only ammunition to help us succed. Young people let us not be fooled by this government that is encouraging laziness, impatient and uneducated society by introducing the so called learnership that is said to be empowering us 'cause is not.
This is another way of creating class in our society. Which means they will be those having matric only, those who did learnerships and those who will undermine the subordinate who studied at Varsity and collegies. That creat class that incline to undermine equality.
We need to learn to be patient and if there is a great need to introduce a patient subject at school let it be. We can't afford to have a society that can't wait for the right moment while making their lives better and better.
As i am patiently waiting for the return of the 'Messiah', i am also patient enough to waiting for the right moment of my success and in the mean time am getting educated everyday.
Its up to you now!